
With your help, we can keep providing care to residents in need.
Sometimes, residents outlive their ability to pay for care. And unfortunately, Medicaid, Social Security, and other government programs don’t cover the true costs.
Your support helps us continue providing high-quality care to residents. Last year, thanks to the generosity of our donors, we provided $5.1 million in benevolent care.

We encourage friends of Tandem Living to make donations, gifts, memorials, and bequests to support the Benevolent Care program.
Looking for other ways to further our mission?

One of our most popular fundraisers, our annual Golf Outing takes place at the beautiful Meadia Heights Golf Club in Lancaster.
Learn More about our Golf OutingsGolf Outing
Golf Outing

A giving opportunity designed just for women, Hearts and Hands is a network of individuals with a heart for others.
Get Involved with Hearts and HandsHearts and Hands
Hearts and Hands

From providing transportation to simply sharing a meal, your time is one of the greatest gifts you can give our residents.
Lend a Hand by VolunteeringVolunteer

The 1903 Legacy Society honors some of the most generous funders of our Benevolent Care program.
Learn More about our 1903 Legacy Society1903 Legacy Society
1903 Legacy Society

For information on other ways to give back, please contact:
Kim Peters, Director of Development
2001 Harrisburg Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601
Please make checks payable to ‘Tandem Living‘. Thank you for your generosity in supporting our mission!