Hearts and Hands Women’s Connection supports Tandem Living’s benevolent care program. Thanks to their work, residents who have outlived their financial resources have continued to receive the same high level of service.

How It Works Membership is open to women of all ages who want to make a positive impact. Each member donates a minimum annual contribution of $500.

Blessings of Membership
Hearts and Hands meets three times each year to celebrate the group’s accomplishments, hear from families who’ve benefited, and build relationships with other women who delight in the joy of giving.

Interested in joining Hearts and Hands?
Kim can help you take the next step.
Kim Peters, Director of Development
2001 Harrisburg Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601
Telephone: 717-390-4105
Fax: 717-390-4906
Email: kpeters@tandemlivingpa.org